
Milne Bay Memorial Library and Research Centre

Welcome to the Milne Bay Memorial Library and Research Centre

It is a Memorial Library and Research Centre for the Battle of Milne Bay.

The building is the former Sandgate Army Drill Hall, which was built in 1915.

It is a 9th Battalions Association Inc facility and a community hall.

*** The Library and Research Centre is now open for visits by appointment. ***  Contact us to arrange a visit.

We are recruiting volunteers for our Library and Research Centre. If interested, contact us.

Vale Phill Hill
Sad news - our Library & Research Centre's former Librarian, Phillip Hill, passed away on 5 October 2024.
Phill was the Librarian at our Centre for 6 years from 2015. He has been a great help to us & at many of our events.
Phill will be greatly missed.

    Events at the hall in 2025
Saturday 1 March12 noonSupport Company 9RQR Reunion                                                                                                          * for former members of Spt Coy 9RQR only *
Wednesday 3 September11amBattle for Australia Commemoration Service
Saturday 20 September12 noonB Company 9RQR Reunion                                                                                                                      * for former members of B Coy 9RQR only *


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